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pH meter FiveEasy Plus™

pH meter FiveEasy Plus™
Lab pH meter in compact design with a large display
With BNC and RCA (NTC 30 kOhm) port for pH and temperature
Simple and user-friendly menu
Automatic or manual temperature compensation
Automatic calibration with 4 predefined buffer groups

Technical specifications:
• pH value: -2.00 ... 16.00 pH ± 0.01 pH
• mV value: -2000 ... 2000 mV ± 1 mV
• Temperature: -5.0° C ... 105° C ± 0.3 ° C
• Calibration: 1- / 2- / 3- / 4- / 5-point calibration• Interfaces for data transfer: RS232 and USB
• Connection: Power supply 100 - 240 V
• Dimensions: 227 x 147 x 70 mm (L x W x H)

Available in the following versions:
No. PHK5: Five Easy Plus™ FP20-Standard with pH electrode LE438
No. PHK6: FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-Bio with pH electrode LE410
No. PHK7: FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-Micro with pH electrode LE422
No. PHK8: FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-TRIS with pH electrode LE420
No. PHP5. FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-Meter without pH electrode

typepH electrodeMettler
per pc.
PHK5In den Warenkorb
FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-StandardLE438302666281.049,00 €
PHK6In den Warenkorb
FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-BioLE410302666291.069,00 €
PHK7In den Warenkorb
FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-MicroLE422302669401.069,00 €
PHK8In den Warenkorb
FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-TRISLE420302669411.049,00 €
PHP5In den Warenkorb
FiveEasy Plus™ FP20-Meterwithout30266627839,00 €

Fitting equipment

pH electrodes
pH electrodes
pH buffer solutions bagged
pH buffer solutions bagged